Success Stories

There are basic things that we all need for a good life: a quality education that leads to a stable job, income that can support a family through retirement, and good health. Thanks to the generosity of donors, companies, their employees and retirees, United Way is making lasting changes in people’s lives throughout the community.

Please read these real-life stores of lives touched through the United Way and it's Partner Agencies.

Welcoming with open hands...

Catholic charities assists anyone in need regardless of background. This agency provides counseling services and access to mental health services for those living in poverty. This year they offered a sliding fee scale that provided low cost mental health services for those who may not be able to afford it. This scale made it possible for a larger population to receive higher quality mental health services with the lowest costs in our area. 





Hearing every voice...

CASA serves and neglected children by providing them a certified volunteer that will speak on the child's best interest in court. The CASA volunteer conducts an independent assessment of the child's circumstances by building a positive relationship with the child and meeting with biological parents, social workers, mental health professionals, medical doctors, foster parents, teachers, and anyone else that may play a role in the child's life. This year a child was able to decide to leave a unwanted situation and find a happy home.  


Relieving the burden any way we can...

Being diagnosed with cancer is a heavy burden, and a journey through treatment is also a difficult path to take. There are many obstacles such as financial difficulties and health complications that take a toll on cancer patients. The Cancer Council of Ellis does its best job to help relive the obstacles these patients face. They provide financial assistance to help pay for travel, lodging, meals, treatment, doctor visits, medication, hospital stays, medical tests, and other items dealing with cancer that is not covered by insurance. They have helped 21 individuals receive relief this year.    

Here when you need us the most...

The Local Red Cross Disaster Action Volunteers responded to home fires this year assisting two families. They were able to provide lodging assistance, comfort kits, blankets and Mickey's for the children, and any immediate needs the families needed.  

Meet Cory...

14 year old Little Brother Cory was matched with Big Brother Greg in 2015.  Candie, Cory's mom, shared,  "the match is such a success because Cory and Greg's interests are so similar."  Read more about Cory here.

A Journey of Milestones...

When one 2-year old boy began in Early Intervention Services at Hays Area Children's Center, he only used a bear crawl to get around, was fed soft foods by his mother, and would only use some play when sitting in his mother's lap.  After seven months of early intervention services, he has progressed to walking on his own, can hold a rail to go up and down steps and sometimes may even let go of the rail.  Click here to read more about this little boy's journey.