
In the past several years, the United Way of Ellis County has seen the need to connect volunteers with agencies in a better, more efficient way.  UWEC would get calls from potential volunteers looking for projects or agencies to help.  If UWEC didn't have anything to offer at the time, the volunteer would then be given phone numbers of various organiziations to call.  On the other hand, you would see agencies in the news looking for volunteers to help with their events or projects.

The questions was asked.."Is there a way we can connect volunteers and agencies who need volunteers, all in one place?"  

The answer... NWKSVOLUNTEER.ORG!!!

This website allows volunteers to see what opportunities are available at that moment!  It also allows agencies to post what they need volunteers for, and the volunteers can respond right from the website.

A one stop shop to volunteering and getting involved in your community.

Check out the website today!!